
Managing for results

We have more than 20 years experience on three continents developing comprehensive planning, monitoring, leaning and management systems based on results based management principles.


  • ​Facilitating development of Theories of Change, logframes and M&E systems
  • Developing Results Based Management capacity

Examples of assignments

  • ​Three week course for civil servants and NGO-staff from Asia, Africa and the Middle East in Results Based Management including Theory of Change, Logical Framework Approach and M&E for Danida Fellowship Centre.
  • Developing guidelines, facilitating Theory of Change and training staff and managers in Theory of Change at International Media Support.
  • Developing Theory of Change and monitoring framework for UNEP 10 Year Framework Programme.
  • Developing M&E system for Danida’s programmes in Pakistan.


“In terms of results concerning the work you did on the Theory of Change method:

  • International Media Support programme staff are beginning to feel more comfortable with results-based planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning following the introduction of the theory of change method.
  • IMS programmes has begun applying results-based planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning in a more systematic way.
  • IMS has developed its institutional theory of change, which will soon frame organisational-level planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning. And, in the programmes that have developed their ToCs, there is beginning to emerge a greater coherence between institutional strategic thinking and programme design.”

David Lush, Head of Organisational Learning, International Media Support.

ideas2action is run by Bjørn Nygaard



+45 2225 9409​

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