
​Unlike the juridical approach to conflict resolution mediation seeks to help all the parties obtain their goals. Thus, not creating a winner and a looser nor identifying who is right and who is wrong. Guilt, shame and punishment are not key concepts in mediation.

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential conflict resolution methodology where an impartial third party assist the conflict parties identifying and negotiating their own solutions through a structured process. It generally aims at the parties both finding concrete and practical solutions to disagreements and challenges as well as repairing damaged emotional relations between them. Building bridges over divides.

Ideas2action generally takes a facilitative approach to mediation but we are also inspired by narrative mediation. When relevant, we combine mediation with other conflict resolutions activities like individual conflict coaching, developing a workplace’s code of conduct regarding conflict resolution and more.

ideas2action is run by Bjørn Nygaard


+45 2225 9409​

Speciale i konflikthåndtering, ledersparring og samarbejde

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